Built-in Types in python

Built-in Types in python

Problem: List and briefly describe the commonly used bui lt-in data types i n Python. Provide exa m ples for each type to i l l ustrate their usage.
Solution:Python offers severa l built-i n data types, each desig ned for specific purposes. Here are some of the com mon ly used built-in data types:
Integer (int):
Represents whole num bers (positive, negative, or zero).
x = 5
y = -10
String (str):
Represents sequences of cha racters.
name = " Alice " 
message = ' Hello , world ! '
Bytes (bytes) and Bytearray (bytearray):
Used for working with binary data.
binary_data = b ' \x41\x42\x43 ' 
byte_array = bytearray( [65 , 66 , 67] )
Floating-Point (float):
Represents real numbers (numbers with decimal points).
pi = 3 . 14159 
price = 19 . 99
Boolean (bool):
Represents binary values, True or False, used for logical operations.
is_student = True 
has_license = False
List (list):
Represents ordered collections of items (muta ble).
numbers = [l, 2, 3, 4 , 5] 
fruits = [ ' apple ' , ' banana ' , ' cherry ' ]
Dictionary (dict):
Represents key-value pairs (mutable).
person = { ' name ' : ' Alice ' ,' age ' : 30 , ' city ' : ' New York ' }
NoneType (None):
Represents the a bsence of a va lue or a placeholder.
result = None
Tuple (tuple):
Represents ordered collections of items (immutable).
coordinates = (3, 4)
days_of_week =( ' Monday ' ,' Tuesday ' , ' Wednesday ' )
Set (set):
Represents unordered collections of unique elements.
unique_numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Complex (complex):
Represents complex numbers.
z = 2 + 3j

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