Constants in C

Constants in C

Constant is an identifier whose value can not be changed.

int x=10;

10 is a constant
x is variable
int is a datatype

In java language these constants are classified into following types
1.Numerical constants
2.Character constants

Numerical Constants:
Numerical means numbers .these are classified into 2 types
1.Integer constants
2.Real constants

Integer Constants:
Integer constants menas + or - numbers. Example:
int x=10;
int y=-10

Real Constants:
Real constants means floating values or decimal values. Example: float x=10.0;

Character Constants:
These are classified into following types
1.Single character constant
2.String character constant

Single Character Constant:
If any character or symbol or number enclosed with single quotation.
char x='a';
char x='2';
char x='@';

String Character Constant:
Group of characters or symbols or numbers enclosed with double quotation.
char s1[20]="abc";
char s2[20]="@##$";
char s3[20]="123";