Conditional Statements in C ( if…else)

Conditional Statements in C ( if…else)

else if condition
'else if' is keyword in java language which is used to execute one block of statemnets amoung the multiple blocks.
    statement 1
    statement 2
else if(condition)
    statement 3
    statement 4
else if(condition)
    statement 5
    statement 6
    statement 7
    statement 8

Age Program
0-12 child age
12-19 teen age
19-40 younger age
40-80 old age
80-100 too old age
above 100 invalid
-11 negative age

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int age;
    printf("Enter Your Age");
    if(age>0 && age<=12)
        printf("You are a child");
    else if(age>12 && age<=19)
        printf("You are a teenager");
    else if(age>19 && age<=40)
        printf("You are younger");
    else if(age>40 && age<=80)
        printf("You are old");
    else if(age>8 && age<=100)
        printf("You are too old");
    else if(age>100)
     printf("Age should not be negative");
    return 0;


Enter Your Age 24
You are younger

Enter Your Age 10
You are a child

Enter Your Age -24
Age should not be negative

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