Commenting multiple lines in python

Commenting multiple lines in python

Problem:Explain how to comment multiple lines in Python to provide documentation, explanations, or longer comments within code.

Solution: In Python, you can comment multiple lines using triple quotes (' ' ' or " " " ). These are known as multi-line string literals and are commonly used for commenting purposes, especially for larger blocks of comments or documentation.

Here's an example of how to comment multiple lines using triple quotes:
This is a multi-line comment .
You can write as many lines as you want here .
This is often used for documentation or longer comments .

# Code execution continues here 
print(" Hello, world ! ")

Alternatively, you can use triple double-quotes (" " ") in the same way:
This is another way to create a multi-line comment . 
You can use triple double-quotes as well .
# Code execution continues here 
print(" Hello again, world ! ")
These multi-line comments are ignored by the Python interpreter and do not affect the execution of your code. They are often used for documenting code and providing explanations for developers who read the code. For code comments meant solely for developers and not for documentation, you can use the # symbol for single-line comments or triple quotes for multi-line comments as shown above .

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