using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace StringDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//create string object
string s = "I am a .NET Developer";
Console.WriteLine("The original string is: " + s);
Console.WriteLine("The original string's length is: " + s.Length);
//copy strings
string s1;
s1 = s;
Console.WriteLine("\nThe copied string is: " + s1);
//concatenate strings
string s2 = "I am working in Wipro.";
string s3;
s3 = s1 +". " + s2;
Console.WriteLine("\nThe concatenated string is: " + s3);
//compare strings
if (s1 == s2)
Console.WriteLine("\ns1 and s2 are equal");
Console.WriteLine("\ns1 and s2 are not equal");
string s4 = s1;
if (s1 == s4)
Console.WriteLine("\ns1 and s4 are equal");
Console.WriteLine("\ns1 and s4 are not equal");
//convert the string into lower case
string s6 = s.ToLower();
Console.WriteLine("\nLower case is: " + s6);
//convert the string into upper case
string s7 = s.ToUpper();
Console.WriteLine("\nUpper case is: " + s7);
//string trimming
string s8 = " Hello, World ";
Console.WriteLine("\nString before trimming: " + s8);
string s9 = s8.Trim();
Console.WriteLine("\nString after trimming: " + s9);
string s10 = s8.TrimStart();
Console.WriteLine("\nString after left trimming: " + s10);
string s11 = s8.TrimEnd();
Console.WriteLine("\nString after right trimming: " + s11);
//check for the start
if (s.StartsWith("I"))
Console.WriteLine("\nString starts with 'I'");
Console.WriteLine("\nString doesn't starts with 'I'");
if (s.StartsWith("i"))
Console.WriteLine("\nString starts with 'i'");
Console.WriteLine("\nString doesn't starts with 'i'");
//check for the end
if (s.EndsWith("Developer"))
Console.WriteLine("\nString ends with 'Developer'");
Console.WriteLine("\nString doesn't ends with 'Developer'");
if (s.EndsWith("am"))
Console.WriteLine("\nString ends with 'am'");
Console.WriteLine("\nString doesn't ends with 'am'");
//insert character(s) into the string
string s12 = s.Insert(7, "ASP");
Console.WriteLine("\nString after insetion: " + s12);
//remove character(s) from the string
string s13 = s.Remove(7);
Console.WriteLine("\nString after removal: " + s13);
string s14 = s.Remove(7, 5);
Console.WriteLine("\nString after 5 characters removal: " + s14);
//get the sub string
string s15 = s.Substring(7);
Console.WriteLine("\nSub String is: " + s15);
string s16 = s.Substring(7, 4);
Console.WriteLine("\nAnother Sub String is: " + s16);
//replace the character(s)
string s17 = s.Replace("a", "x");
Console.WriteLine("\nString after replace: " + s17);
//left padding
string s18 = s.PadLeft(26, '*');
Console.WriteLine("\nString after left padding: " + s18);
//right padding
string s19 = s.PadRight(26, '*');
Console.WriteLine("\nString after right padding: " + s19);
//split the string
string s20 = "This is first line.This is second line.This is third line.";
Console.WriteLine("\nA string for splitting:\n" + s20);
string[] s21 = s20.Split('.');
Console.WriteLine("\nThe string array after splitting:");
foreach (string temp in s21)
//search the string for character(s)
Console.WriteLine("Index of 'D' is: " + s.IndexOf('D'));
Console.WriteLine("Index of 'x' is: " + s.IndexOf('x'));
Console.WriteLine("Index of 'am' is: " + s.IndexOf("am"));
Console.WriteLine("Index of 'a' is: " + s.IndexOf('a'));
Console.WriteLine("Index of 'a' after 3rd character is: " + s.IndexOf('a', 3));
Console.WriteLine("LastIndex of 'D' is: " + s.LastIndexOf('D'));
Console.WriteLine("LastIndex of 'x' is: " + s.LastIndexOf('x'));
Console.WriteLine("LastIndex of 'am' is: " + s.LastIndexOf("am"));
Console.WriteLine("LastIndex of 'a' is: " + s.LastIndexOf('a'));
Console.WriteLine("LastIndex of 'a' after 3rd character is: " + s.LastIndexOf('a', 3));