Explain Case sensitivity in python
Problem:Explain the concept of case sensitivity in Python. Describe how Python treats identifiers, such as variable names and function names, with respect to case sensitivity. Provide examples to illustrate the differences between case-sensitive and case-insensitive behavior in Python.
Solution:Case Sensitivity in Python: Case sensitivity in Python refers to the distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters in identifiers, such as variable names, function names, module names, and class names. Python is a casesensitive programming language, which means that it treats uppercase and lowercase letters as distinct characters. As a result, identifiers with different letter casing are considered different entities.
Examples of Case Sensitivity:
Let's look at some examples to understand how case sensitivity works in Python:
Variable Names:
myVariable = 10
myvariable = 20
print (myVariable) # 10
print (myvariable) # 20
Function Names:
def myfunction () :
return "Hello"
def myfunction ():
return "World"
print (myfunction ()) # "Hello"
print (myfunction ()) # "World"
Module Names:
import math
import Math # This will result in an ImportError
Class Names:
class MyClass :
class myclass:
obj1= MyClass()
obj2= myclass()
print(type(obj1)) #<class '__ main __.MyClass ' >
print(type(obj2)) #<class '__main __ .myclass ' >
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