How do you confirm if an object is iterable using code?

How do you confirm if an object is iterable using code?

This is how you can use code to check if an item is iterable or not. We are using the iter() function. When you pass an item that is not iterable as an argument to the iter() function, it returns a TypeError. Below, we write a short script that checks if a given object is an iterable.
def myfun():
    arr = ['i', 'love', 'working', 'with', 'Python']
        iter_check = iter(arr)
    except TypeError:
        print('Object a not iterable')
        print('Object a is iterable')
if __name__=="__main__":


Object a is iterable

def myfun():
    b = 24.24
        iter_check = iter(b)
    except TypeError:
        print('Object a not iterable')
        print('Object a is iterable')
if __name__=="__main__":


Object a not iterable

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