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Java Introduction

If one class with in another class is known as inner class or nested class
class ClassName   // outer class
    class ClassName  // inner class
        //methods and fields 
    //methods and fields 

The main aim of the inner class is to provide more security for the data
class A
    int x;
    class B
        int y;
        float z;
        void f1()
            Statement 1;
            Statement 2;
MSK TechnologiesTrainings

Accessing inner class properties:
1.outer class property can be access with in the inner class directly.
2.inner class properties can be accesses inside the outer class methods with object reference
3.properties of non-static innerclass can be accessed by creating a special object in the external class(Main class) as shown below

Outerclass.innerclass objref=new outerclass().new innerclass();

4.whenever we want to access static inner class property within external class then we must create a spacial object as shown below

Outerclass.innerclass objref=new outerclass.innerclass()

Write a java program to illustrate innerclass
class A
    int x=10;
    void f1()
        System.out.println("this if f1 method");
    void f2()
        B ob=new B();
    class B
        int y=30;
        void f3()
        void f4()
            System.out.println("this is  f4 method");
    static class C
        void f5()
            System.out.println("this is f5 method");
public class Rain {

    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        A oa=new A();
        A.B ob=new A().new B();// non static inner class object
        A.C oc=new A.C(); // static inner class object

this is f4 method
this if f1 method
this is f5 method
Outer class or external class cont be declare either static or final class.