Swapping Variable Values Without an Intermediary Variable

Swapping Variable Values Without an Intermediary Variable

Problem: You have two variables, a and b, and you want to swap their values without using an intermediary variable. This operation is commonly referred to as a "value swap."
Solution:In Python, you can swap the values of a and b without using an intermediary variable using tuple unpacking. Here's the solution:
def my_function():
    a = 5 ;b = 10

    a, b = b, a

    # After the swap
    print("a: " ,a)
    print("b: " ,b)

# 10 # 5
if __name__=="__main__":

a: 10
b: 5

In this code:
The line a, b = b, a simultaneously assigns the value of b to a and the value of a to b in a single step using tuple unpacking. This efficiently swaps the values of a and b without the need for an intermediary variable.

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