Write a program to handle negative salary exception

Write a program to handle negative salary exception

Write a program to handle negative salary exception

1.Exception Creation Program
package employeesalary;
public class Nsalary extends Exception
    public Nsalary(String s)

2.Exception verification Program
package verifysalary;
import employeesalary.Nsalary;
public class Verify
    public void checkasalary(int a) throws Nsalary
            System.out.print("valid salary");
            Nsalary n=new Nsalary("Invalid salary");

3.Main Program
import employeesalary.Nsalary;
import verifysalary.Verify;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
    public static void main(String args[])
        System.out.print("Enter your Salary : ");
        Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
            int salary=s.nextInt();
            Verify v=new Verify();
            System.out.print("your salary is : "+salary);
        catch(Nsalary ne)
            System.out.println("salary should not be Negative");


Enter your Salary: 20000
Valid Salary
your Salary is : 20000

Enter your Salary : -20000
Salary should not be Negative.

What is difference between the throws and throw ?
Throws is a keyword used to forward the exception to the method call whereas throw is a keyword used to throw exception to the method sign.
Throws always should be followed by method signature whereas throw keyword always should exist within method only.

Exception Handling In Java

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