Write a Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal.

Write a Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal.

How can we manually convert a decimal number to binary, octal and hexadecimal?
Converting a decimal number to binary, octal, and hexadecimal involves dividing the decimal number by the base repeatedly and noting the remainders at each step. Here's a simple example:
Let's convert the decimal number 27 to binary, octal, and hexadecimal.

Divide 27 by 2. Quotient is 13, remainder is 1. Note the remainder.
Divide 13 by 2. Quotient is 6, remainder is 1. Note the remainder.
Divide 6 by 2. Quotient is 3, remainder is 0. Note the remainder.
Divide 3 by 2. Quotient is 1, remainder is 1. Note the remainder.
Divide 1 by 2. Quotient is 0, remainder is 1. Note the remainder.

Reading the remainders from bottom to top, the binary representation of 27 is 11011.

Divide 27 by 8. Quotient is 3, remainder is 3. Note the remainder.
Divide 3 by 8. Quotient is 0, remainder is 3. Note the remainder.

Reading the remainders from bottom to top, the octal representation of 27 is 33.

Divide 27 by 16. Quotient is 1, remainder is 11 (B in hexadecimal). Note the remainder.

Reading the remainders, the hexadecimal representation of 27 is 1B.

So, in summary:
Binary: 27 in decimal is 11011 in binary.
Octal: 27 in decimal is 33 in octal.
Hexadecimal: 27 in decimal is 1B in hexadecimal.
def myfun():
    dec_num=int(input("Enter a decimal number:"))
    print("The decimal value of ",dec_num," is: ")
    print(bin(dec_num)," in binary.")
    print(oct(dec_num)," in octal.")
    print(hex(dec_num)," in hexadecimal.")
if __name__=="__main__":


Enter a decimal number:28
The decimal value of 28 is:
0b11100 in binary.
0o34 in octal.
0x1c in hexadecimal.

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