C Programming Examples For Beginners With Solutions

C Programming Examples For Beginners With Solutions

1 . Write a C-Program to print Hello World
2 . Write a C-program to print unary minus operation
3 . Write a C-program to print Pre Increment operation
4 . Write a C-program to print Post Increment operation
5 . Write a C-program to print Pre Decrement operation
6 . Write a C-program to print Post Decrement operation
7 . Write a C-program to print addition of two numbes
8 . Write a C-program to print subtraction of two numbes
9 . Write a C-program to print multiplication of two numbes
10 . Write a C-program to print division of two numbes
11 . Write a C-program to print modular division of two numbes
12 . Write a C-program to print swaping of two numbers with using third variable
13 . Write a C-program to print swaping of two numbers without using third variable
14 . Write a C-program to print relation of two numbers
15 . Write a C-program to print logical operators program using &&, || ,!
16 . Write a C-program to print bitwise AND operation
17 . Write a C-program to print bitwise OR operation
18 . Write a C-program to print bitwise CAP operation
19 . Write a C-program to print bitwise NEGATION operation
20 . Write a C-program to print bitwise LEFT SHIFT operation
21 . Write a C-program to print bitwise RIGHT SHIFT operation
22 . Write a C-program to print odd or even number using ternary operator
23 . Write a C-program to print max number using ternary operator
24 . Write a C-program to print ODD or Even Number using if else condition
25 . Write a C-program to print max number using if else condition
26 . Write a C-program to check the given number is valid or invalid(value must divisible by 2 and 3)
27 . Write a C-program to check the given number is valid or invalid(value must divisible by 2 and 3 not 4)
28 . Write a C-program to check the given number is valid or invalid(value must divisible by 2 and 3 not 4 using 2 conditions)
29 . Write a C-program to check the given number is valid or invalid(value must between 20 and 30)
30 . Write a C-program to check the given character is vowel or consonant
31 . Write a C-program to check the given character is small letter or not
32 . Write a C-program to check the given character is capital letter or not
33 . Write a C-program to check the given character is number or not
34 . Write a C-program to check the given character is symbol letter or not
35 . Write a C-program to calculate simple interest with following conditions
36 . Write a C-program to print age
37 . Write a C-program to print max number among three numbers
38 . Write a C-program to print 1 to 10 values using for loop
39 . Write a C-program to print 10 to 1 values using for loop
40 . Write a C-program to print 1 to n values using for loop
41 . Write a C-program to print even numbers using for loop
42 . Write a C-program to print even number or odd number based on the n value using for loop
43 . Write a C-program to print even number or odd number based on the n value using single for loop
44 . Write a C-program to count the number of divisible numbers in a given range(1-100)
45 . Write a C-program to print count the number of divisible numbers in a given range(1-100) without using loop
46 . Write a C-program to print factorial number using for loop
47 . Write a C-program to print factorial of n numbers using for loop
48 . Write a C-program to print sum of natural numbers using for loop
49 . Write a C-program to print sum of even numbers using for loop
50 . Write a C-program to print sum of odd numbers using for loop
51 . Write a C-program to print sum of even or odd numbers based on the n value using for loop
52 . Write a C-program to print sum of even or odd numbers based on the n value using single loop
53 . Write a C-program to display table using for loop
54 . Write a C-program to print a to z
55 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of a to z
56 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of A to Z
57 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of Numbers
58 . Write a C-program to print 1 to 10 values using while loop
59 . Write a C-program to print 10 to 1 values using while loop
60 . Write a C-program to print 1 to n values using while loop
61 . Write a C-program to print even numbers using while loop
62 . Write a C-program to print even number or odd number based on the n value using while loop
63 . Write a C-program to print even number or odd number based on the n value using single while loop
64 . Write a C-program to count the number of divisible numbers in a given range(1-100) using while loop
65 . Write a C-program to print factorial number using while loop
66 . Write a C-program to print factorial of n numbers using while loop
67 . Write a C-program to print sum of natural numbers using while loop
68 . Write a C-program to print sum of even numbers using while loop
69 . Write a C-program to print sum of odd numbers using while loop
70 . Write a C-program to print sum of even or odd numbers based on the n value using while loop
71 . Write a C-program to print sum of even or odd numbers based on the n value using single while loop
72 . Write a C-program to display table using while loop
73 . Write a C-program to print a to z using while loop
74 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of a to z using while loop
75 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of A to Z using while loop
76 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of Numbers using while loop
77 . Write a C-program to print 1 to 10 values using do while loop
78 . Write a C-program to print 10 to 1 values using do while loop
79 . Write a C-program to print 1 to n values using do while loop
80 . Write a C-program to print even numbers using do while loop
81 . Write a C-program to print even number or odd number based on the n value using do while loop
82 . Write a C-program to print even number or odd number based on the n value using single do while loop
83 . Write a C-program to count the number of divisible numbers in a given range(1-100) using do while loop
84 . Write a C-program to print factorial number using do while loop
85 . Write a C-program to print factorial of n numbers using do while loop
86 . Write a C-program to print sum of natural numbers using do while loop
87 . Write a C-program to print sum of even numbers using do while loop
88 . Write a C-program to print sum of odd numbers using do while loop
89 . Write a C-program to print sum of even or odd numbers based on the n value using do while loop
90 . Write a C-program to print sum of even or odd numbers based on the n value using single do while loop
91 . Write a C-program to display table using do while loop
92 . Write a C-program to print a to z using do while loop
93 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of a to z using do while loop
94 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of A to Z using do while loop
95 . Write a C-program to print ASCII values of Numbers using do while loop