How to Inserting an Object at a specific index in Python lists

How to Inserting an Object at a specific index in Python lists

Problem:When working with lists in Python, there may be a need to insert an object at a particular position within the list. Without knowing the appropriate method or technique, this task can be challenging.

Use the insert() method:
• Syntax: list_name.insert(index, object)

• list_name: The list where you want to insert the object.

• index: The position at which you want to insert the object.

• object: The object to be inserted at the specified index.

Code Example:
my_list = [l, 2, 3, 5, 6] 
# Insert the number 4 at index 3 
my_list. insert(3, 4) 
# Output: [l, 2 , 3, 4 , 5, 6]

Understanding the insert() method allows you to easily add objects at specific positions in Python lists .

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