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Java Practice Programs
400 Java Programs
Write a Java program to print the even numbers from 1 to 20
Write a java program to find the index of the largest number in an array
Write a Program to find second largest number in an array
Write a Java program to accept a float value of number and return a rounded float value
Write a Java program to check whether Java is installed on your computer or not
Write a Python Program to calculate your Body Mass Index.
Write a Python program to count number of vowels in the given string
Write a Python program to get n (non-negative integer) copies of the first 2 characters of a given string. Return n copies of the whole string if the length is less than 2.
Write a Python Program to check armstrong number of n digits
Write a program to check armstrong numbers in certain interval
Java Quiz - 20
Java Quiz - 13
Java Quiz - 7
Java Quiz - 10
Java Quiz - 11