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Java Practice Programs
400 Java Programs
Write a Java program to compute the square root of an given integer
Write a Java program and compute the sum of the digits of an integer
Write a Java program to print the odd numbers from 1 to 20
Write a Java program that accepts an integer (n) and computes the value of n+nn+nnn
Write a Java Program to find largest and second largest in an array
Write a Python program to count the number 4 in a given list.
Write a Python program to get current time and date
Write a Python Program to find the factorial of a number using recursion
Write a python program to display list of numbers and we want to return all the numbers from the list that are divisible by 2 and remove duplicates at the same time.
Write a Python Program to Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal.
Java Quiz - 15
Java Quiz - 14
Java Quiz - 13
Java Quiz - 12
Java Quiz - 11