Write a python program to counting item occurrences

Write a python program to counting item occurrences

from collections import Counter
def myfun():
    list1 = ['sateesh','kumar', 'sateesh', 'Varshini', 'Kumar']
    count = Counter(list1).get("sateesh")
    print("The name Sateesh appears in the list ",count," times.")
if __name__=="__main__":


The name Sateesh appears in the list 2 times.


from collections import Counter
def myfun():
    list1 = ['sateesh','kumar', 'sateesh', 'Varshini', 'Kumar']
    count = 0
    for name in list1:
        if name == 'sateesh':
            count +=1
    print("The name Sateesh appears in the list ",count," times.")
if __name__=="__main__":


The name Sateesh appears in the list 2 times.

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