Type Conversion in python
Problem:Explain the concept of type conversion in Python. Describe the various methods and functions used for type conversion, including implicit and explicit type conversion. Provide examples to illustrate the conversion between different data types in Python.
Solution:Type Conversion in Python: Type conversion, also known as type casting or data type
conversion, is the process of changing an object's data type from one type to another. I n Python, you ca n convert between different data types to perform operations, comparisons, or assignments that require compatible types. Python supports both implicit and explicit type conversion.
Implicit Type Conversion:
Implicit type conversion, also known as automatic type conversion, occurs when Python automatically converts one data type to another without any explicit instruction from the programmer. This typically happens when performing operations between different data types.
X = 5 # Integer
y = 2.5 # Float
result = x + y # Integer and float are automatically converted to float
print (result) # 7 . 5 ( result is a float)
Common Type Conversion Functions:
int(x) - Converts x to an integer.
float(x) - Converts x to a floating-point number.
str(x) - Converts x to a string.
list(x) - Converts x to a list.
tuple(x) - Converts x to a tuple.
dict(x) - Converts x to a dictionary.
bool(x) - Converts x to a Boolean value.
Explicit Type Conversion:
Explicit type conversion, also known as manual type conversion, requires the programmer to explicitly specify the desired data type using conversion functions or constructors. Th is method provides more control over type conversion.
x = 10 #Integer
y = "20" #String
# Using int() to convert the string ' y ' to an integer
result = x + int(y)
print(result) # 30 (result is an integer)
y = int (x) #Converts the string to an integer
z = str(y) # Converts the integer back to a string
print(x, type( x ) ) #Output :123 <class ' str ' >
print(y, type( y ) ) #Output :123 <class ' int ' >
print(z, type( z ) ) #Output :123 <class ' str ' >
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